Monday, July 12, 2010

Discussion about 'secret weapon' @@

Discussion again and again. We found that it is happy for us when having a meeting as all of us can contribute different ideas and give comments on our current work. The products for our group are basically done. After a long long discussion, we plan to get some 'secret weapon' with the purpose of gain the others attraction during the exhibition day.

Google is such a useful searching engine as we can easily get what we actually plan to do at there. After getting the information from there, communicate among each team members is the important process which is strengthen by our leader, Eddie. This is to ensure that there is no even a small conflict in our team. We want to be the most peaceful and the best group.

Brainstorm section has come to the end. Everyone agree with the "secret weapon", and start to progress it. What is it? Stay tune and you will know it very soon... ...