Well, today is really a good start for us. Starting to group for assignment and be more familiar among each other. Everyone of G-FORCE was staying for this 'green product' assignment after class. wOw!! ok! nonsense please run far far away @@lll
After class for today, it was around 12pm. So, as we decided, we separated some easy job and gathered at Eddie's house lately. The process?? hmmm... just some illustration from those photos...Once upon a time... ... X.X
Everyone's job is: Venasa fetch Eddie and bring boxes along to his house; Ee Von fetch Dongmei's to her house to collect those heavy cardboard tubes; Huan Yik drove to Dongmei's house to help to carry those heavy cardboard tubes and put in the car. Then we all headed and gathered at Eddie's house for discussion. ermm... not important right? @_@
What's next??Move everything into Eddie's house... Cardboard tubes from Ee Von's car... Everyone seems enjoy to carry hor??! ^^ Ee Von was so 'good' to 'sacrifice' herself to be the photographer.. If not no photos will be shown.. haha!!
Yea! As well as boxes from Venasa's car... G-FORCE! not heavy right XD
As we didn't bring any tools for the day, so we just did some brainstorm about our sofa.Manually, we stack those cardboard tubes for illustration and idea. The hall is so hot but you can see that G-FORCE is so spirit!! Everyone looks like the future decor designer. lol...
'Stack ar stack...'
'Want 1 layer or 2 layers with boxes as the base?'
'How about the hande?'
'Does it stable to be sit?'
bla bla bla... Discussing quite a lot of matter before we really want to start our work next week.
After that, Huan Yik (the driver) fetch us to some printing shops nearby (SS15) where Eddie and Huan Yik was requesting for cardboard tubes on Monday. We managed to get 8 more rolls for today. Hooray!! While is time to treat our stomach, we headed to McD for lunch and discuss about the written assignment.
Happy, peaceful, enjoyable... ... discussion for today! Nice work yea G-FORCE^^
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