Friday, June 25, 2010


Exhausted for the whole day on Wed, we still continue our work today. We just don't want to stop and rush at last minute, so everyone was insist to continue it. Same as last week, finish class at 12pm, we went to our working place (Eddie's house).

Continue the remaining part of the under layer, and stack up the lying part

stack stack stack...
screw screw screw...
oops!! Green Synergy's member was disturbing. So Dongmei treat him a packet of snack to let him busy with his snack.. keke^^

oh yeah!! Ee Von - Venasa - Dongmei
The girl power of G-FORCE

deng deng deng deng!!!

There are some remaining cardboard tubes, so we decided to make a table, it will be a set of furniture for our product. yipee~~
This table is just a dummy one, we will screw and stick it off on our next working session.

Cooperation is really important when we work as a team. We really appreciate to get in a good team, everyone is willing to put effort, and we always get full attendance of 5 members in any discussion, meeting and working session. Yeah! Let's continue with such spirit^^